Stamp Stories

What is Stamp Stories?

Stamp Stories (formely Tea with Puppets) is a Podcast focused on Canadian Stamps. Each episode starts with a stamp and then delves into the history of what makes that stamp so special.

Do I need to be into stamp collecting or philately?

Actually most of our listeners are just people who love a good story and history. We use the stamps as a starting point for our story. The thought being, if a stamp is released, there has to be some signifcance to it. We explore the reason it was issued and stories behind the subject of a stamp. There is also plenty of great details if you just love stamps too. So in short, if you love Canadian history and collecting stamps, this is the show for you!

Why Canadian stamps and why not just do this on Canadian history?

I do enjoy stamp collecting, and I do hope - I won't lie - that this podcast has some small impact on you seeking out the hobby. Sure I could do a podcast just about history, but this way I combine two passions of mine.

Why don't you have more episodes, more frequently?

I would love to have an episode every week, but the research I do takes weeks, if not months for each episode. This does not include production. However to satisfy your needs for more stamp stories, I have a newsletter you can sign up for here. I share stories found during my regular collecting journey. I hope you subscribe. It's free.

As seen on Canadian Stamp News Podchaser - Stamp Stories

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